The Bradford Bugle August 2017


Did You Know ••• A person has 50,000 thoughts every day. 17 positive thoughts for every negative thought. •••A Princeton study claims it takes one-tenth of a second for people to determine if someone is attractive. ••• It would take 1.2 million mosquitoes to consume all the blood in your body. Bradford Business Items ••• If you have staffing needs, History ••• Aug. 9, 1974 – Richard Nixon became the only U. S. President to ever resign. •••Aug 14, 1935 –Pres. Roosevelt signed a “Social Security Act” that guaranteed pensions to those that retired at age 65. ••• Aug. 16, 1869 – Gold was discovered in Rabbit Creek, a tributary of the Klondike River, which caused the Klondike Alaskan Gold Rush. This & That ••• 0.028 MPH is how fast Heinz ketchup travels from its bottle to a plate. •••For the next 15 years Baby-Boomers will turn 65 at a rate of 10,000/day. ••• Use of foul language in prime time TV has increased by 70% since 2007.  Business Trivia Gen Z (born after the mid-90’s) has the following traits: -76% believe they own their own career & will drive their own advancements. -67% will relocate for a goo -Top 3 “must haves” is health insurance, decent salary, and a boss they respect. -Work motivators include money, time for non-work passions, and challenges of the job - Risk averse-alcohol abuse down 26%, teen pregnancy down 44%, 28% drop in high school drop outs, 41% increase in going to church.